Monday, March 23, 2015

Where to park in New York City

Where to park in New York for 2 weeks with only $15?

An Indian man walks into the New York City bank and asks for the loan officer.

He tells the Loan Officer that he was going to India for some business for 2 weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The Loan Officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan.

So the Indian man hands over the keys and the documents of the new Ferrari car parked on the street in front of the bank.

The loan officer consults the president of the bank,
Produces all the required items and everything check out to be OK.

The loan officer agrees to accept the car as a security for the loan.

The bank president and the Loan Officer had a good laugh at the Indian
For keeping a $750,000 Ferrari as a security and taking only $5,000 has a loan.

An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the banks underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later the Indian returns and pays $5000 and the interest which comes to it $15.41.

Seeing this, loan officer says,

“Sir, we are very happy to have your business
And this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled.
While you are away, we checked you out and
Found out that you were a multi millionaire.

What puzzled us was why would you bother to borrow $5000?”

The Indian replies
"Where else in the New York City can I park my car for 2 weeks and
For only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return".

This is a true incident and the
Indian is none other than... "VIJAY MALLYA"

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Super Virgin Oils to prevent heart diseases, hypertension, for beauty, youth and health


HealthPluz Oils  

four health oilsPure, Cold-pressed, Unrefined, Unbleached, Non-deodorized and Non-hydrogenated Super Oils    HealthPluz Oils capsule contains 500 mg of Four VIRGIN Super Health Oils:    + Virgin Garlic Oil+ Virgin Coconut Oil+ Virgin Perilla Oil+ Virgin Rice Bran Oil  Which all these 4 super virgin oils were mixed and tried in many clinical trials and found that both four oils work together perfectly for health benefits.   

What is Virgin oils?

   Virgin oils must be produced entirely by mechanical means without the use of any solvents or high temperature to preserve all essential substances of oils.  

Health Benefits of HealthPluz Oils  

Prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis / help blood circulation.  HealthPluz Oils contains Allicin, Omega 3, Omega 6, Gamma-Oryzanol, Vitamin E, medium chain fatty acids which all these nutrients will help

- Increased levels of HDL (LCAT increased by 100%)- Reduce level of LDL (bad cholesterol)- Reduce level of Triglycerides- Helps dissolve blood clots and prevent clogging of the arteries.- Increase blood circulation to help heart function properly- Clean blood vessels (arteries) in Heart, Brain, Liver, Kidneys, etc.- Reduce the risk of heart disease, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, paralysis, paralysis, etc.


Prevent High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

The nutrients in four virgin oils help clean blood vessels (arteries) and Improve heart functions to pump blood to the organs and cells thoroughly. Then this will improve blood pressure to normal level.


Prevent diabetes and alleviate complications from diabetes.

  Allicin, a substance in garlic oil reduces blood sugar level. Chromium, a substance in Rice bran oil helps improve insulin functions and that help control blood sugar level.Alpha-lipoic acid  in garlic oil and coconut oil help relieve the complications from diabetes, such as peripheral neuropathy.  

Prevent Brain and nerves diseases, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's

Medium chain fatty acids in HealthPluz Oils will get shipped to the liver and turned into ketone.  Ketones are essential nutrients for brain cells. Brain cells will be able to recover and can help improve memory.  Omega 3, Vitamin E and Gamma Orezanol  will help balance the nervous system, brain cells and that prevent stroke, paralysis.   

Prevent allergy, Autoimmune diseases, Rheumatoid, Psoriasis.

  HealthPluz oils contains Cysteine  which is a precursor of glutathione. Glutathione help improve functions of white blood cells such as leukocytes, macrophage, Helper T cells, Regulartory T cells. To reduce the inflammation of cells. The cause of allergies or autoimmune diseases such as SLE, rheumatoid handlers, allergies, psoriasis, rash. 

Improve Eyes Sight.

  Eyes are the most part that needs high anti-oxidants, xidant nutrients that are in the oil as well as to help maintain and protect Alpha-lipoic acid as anti-ooxidants in coconut oil and garlic oil can prevent cataracts. Beta carotene (Vitamin A) help treat dry eyes and eye diseases.  

Anti-ageing and Prevent cancer.

  All four health virgin oils contains significant level of antioxidants and Super Antioxidant (so-called Universal Anti-Oxidant) - alpha-lipoic acid which can switch off cancer, stop free radicals which id the cause of cancers.    

Improve impotence, sexual performance.

  Allicin and Ajoin (allicin derived) in garlic oil, is known to sexual stimulation and sexual arousal.  This will help improve sexual performance significantly.

  Prevents liver cirrhosis.

  HealthPluz Oils contains only medium chain fatty acids, the only type of oil which go directly to the liver and be burnt for energy, this will help revive liver cells back to normal function. Medium chain fatty acids also can destroy some viruses, bacteria and fungi and can eliminate the excess of drugs and chemical residues in the liver.     

Support Bones and Joints structure. 

  HealthPluz Oils contains many fatty acids, which are important for bone structure by enhance lubrication in the joints, reduce inflammation. These effects help umprove joints movement all over the body.  

Reduce obesity and Increase metabolism.  

Soybean, sunflower, etc. are able to inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. The body fat Associated with metabolism, making the body metabolism is low.   HealthPluz Oils contains many medium chain fatty acids, which stimulate functions of thyroid gland. 

Medium-chain fatty go directly to the liver to be burnt for energy to be used immediately, not change to fat. And Medium-chain fatty acids stimulate Leptin hormone which Leptin hormone sends signal to the brain to tell that the bosy is full, then bosy will stop eating or eat less.  


  HealthPluz oils could improve constipation. Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Medium-chain fatty acids help revive kidney cells. Alpha lipoic acid helps destroy toxins, heavy metals such as mercury, lead from the body.    

Prevent Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostate cancer. Prevent Baldness (Hair loss).  

DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone (5α-Dihydrotestosterone), is androgen male sex hormone.   

Testosterone male hormone is converted into DHT by an enzyme 5α-reductase (5-alpha reductase).   

The enzyme 5α-reductase, synthesizes DHT in the adrenal glands, hair follicles, testes and prostate. Male and female adults can lose hair as a consequence of changes in the metabolism of androgen in the body - men more commonly than women. DHT plays a major role in hair loss.  

Male pattern baldness (known as androgenic alopecia or androgenetic alopecia) is caused by the hair follicle's sensitivity to DHT. The follicles miniaturize (shrink), resulting in a shorter lifespan and the abnormal production of hair.  Two conditions are related to higher levels of DHT:  

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - increase in the size of the prostate
  • Male pattern baldness

HealthPluz oils contain medium chain fatty acids, which inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase activity, resulting that reduction of DHT level.   

Lauric acid in Virgin coconut oil reduces 5-alpha reductase activity, and inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Another study concluded that lauric acid inhibited the activity of 5-alpha reductase by 50%. One study in particular found that consumption of Coconut Oil in rats, like finasteride and saw palmetto, reduced enlarged prostate glands that had been experimentally enlarged with androgen administration.    

Hormone Balance. 

  Omega 3s produce hormones that are anti-inflammatory. Omega 6s produce hormones that support inflammation. 

Inflammation is an important process for healing in that it helps in acute injury or microbial attack. When the site of a wound becomes hot or swollen, for instance, this is due to the presence of omega-6s in the body. Omega 3s and omega 6s are meant to balance each other, like demolition and construction tools.

However, when omega 6s begin to outnumber the omega 3s, they overwhelm the body’s ability to tone down the inflammatory response. This inflammation begins to manifest in things such as increased cholesterol, asthma, cardiovascular disease, many forms of cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, immune diseases such as Crohn’s and Lupus. Inflammation also is associated with obesity, depression, hyperactivity and more.

HealthPluz oils are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 which both balance our body system.    HealthPluZ Oils, one bottle contains 60 capsules of mixed four super helath virgin oils.
Sell Super Virgin Oils to prevent heart diseases, hypertension, for beauty, youth and health - Classified Ad

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Vagina Tightening Pills

100% Genuine, Natural & Organic Herbs by Herbalist Medicine.

* How to TIghten Vagina Naturally
* Increases  breasts size 1-3 inches by natural phytoestrogen
* Increases libido in women
* Hormone Supplement with natural phytoestrogen for women and phytoandrogen for men
* Herbal Viagra for Erectile Dysfunction
* Super Virgin Oils for Youth, Beauty and Health.

> 90% satisfaction with repeated orders, no overclaim, find genuine feedbacks here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

HealthPluz Oils
four health oils
Pure, Cold-pressed, Unrefined, Unbleached, Non-deodorized and Non-hydrogenated Super Oils
HealthPluz Oils capsule contains 500 mg of Four VIRGIN Super Health Oils:  
+ Virgin Garlic Oil
+ Virgin Coconut Oil
+ Virgin Perilla Oil
+ Virgin Rice Bran Oil
Which all these 4 super virgin oils were mixed and tried in many clinical trials and found that both four oils work together perfectly for health benefits.   
What is Virgin oils?
 Virgin oils must be produced entirely by mechanical means without the use of any solvents or high temperature to preserve all essential substances of oils.
Health Benefits of HealthPluz Oils  

Prevent heart disease and arteriosclerosis / help blood circulation.
HealthPluz Oils contains Allicin, Omega 3, Omega 6, Gamma-Oryzanol, Vitamin E, medium chain fatty acids which all these nutrients will help
- Increased levels of HDL (LCAT increased by 100%)
- Reduce level of LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Reduce level of Triglycerides
- Helps dissolve blood clots and prevent clogging of the arteries.
- Increase blood circulation to help heart function properly
- Clean blood vessels (arteries) in Heart, Brain, Liver, Kidneys, etc.
- Reduce the risk of heart disease, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, paralysis, paralysis, etc.
Prevent High Blood Pressure (hypertension).  
The nutrients in four virgin oils help clean blood vessels (arteries) and Improve heart functions to pump blood to the organs and cells thoroughly. Then this will improve blood pressure to normal level.
Prevent diabetes and alleviate complications from diabetes.  
Allicin, a substance in garlic oil reduces blood sugar level. 
Chromium, a substance in Rice bran oil helps improve insulin functions and that help control blood sugar level.
Alpha-lipoic acid  in garlic oil and coconut oil help relieve the complications from diabetes, such as peripheral neuropathy.
Prevent Brain and nerves diseases, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's
Medium chain fatty acids in HealthPluz Oils will get shipped to the liver and turned into ketone.  Ketones are essential nutrients for brain cells. Brain cells will be able to recover and can help improve memory.  
Omega 3, Vitamin E and Gamma Orezanol  will help balance the nervous system, brain cells and that prevent stroke, paralysis. 
Prevent allergy, Autoimmune diseases, Rheumatoid, Psoriasis.  
HealthPluz oils contains Cysteine  which is a precursor of glutathione. Glutathione help improve functions of white blood cells such as leukocytes, macrophage, Helper T cells, Regulartory T cells. To reduce the inflammation of cells. The cause of allergies or autoimmune diseases such as SLE, rheumatoid handlers, allergies, psoriasis, rash.
Improve Eyes Sight.  
Eyes are the most part that needs high anti-oxidants, xidant nutrients that are in the oil as well as to help maintain and protect Alpha-lipoic acid as anti-ooxidants in coconut oil and garlic oil can prevent cataracts. Beta carotene (Vitamin A) help treat dry eyes and eye diseases.
Anti-ageing and Prevent cancer.  
All four health virgin oils contains significant level of antioxidants and Super Antioxidant (so-called Universal Anti-Oxidant) - alpha-lipoic acid which can switch off cancer, stop free radicals which id the cause of cancers.  
Improve impotence, sexual performance.  
Allicin and Ajoin (allicin derived) in garlic oil, is known to sexual stimulation and sexual arousal.  This will help improve sexual performance significantly.
Prevents liver cirrhosis.  
HealthPluz Oils contains only medium chain fatty acids, the only type of oil which go directly to the liver and be burnt for energy, this will help revive liver cells back to normal function. 
Medium chain fatty acids also can destroy some viruses, bacteria and fungi and can eliminate the excess of drugs and chemical residues in the liver.   
Support Bones and Joints structure.   
HealthPluz Oils contains many fatty acids, which are important for bone structure by enhance lubrication in the joints, reduce inflammation. These effects help umprove joints movement all over the body.
Reduce obesity and Increase metabolism.  
Soybean, sunflower, etc. are able to inhibit the function of the thyroid gland. The body fat Associated with metabolism, making the body metabolism is low. 
HealthPluz Oils contains many medium chain fatty acids, which stimulate functions of thyroid gland. 
Medium-chain fatty go directly to the liver to be burnt for energy to be used immediately, not change to fat. And Medium-chain fatty acids stimulate Leptin hormone which Leptin hormone sends signal to the brain to tell that the bosy is full, then bosy will stop eating or eat less.
HealthPluz oils could improve constipation. Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Medium-chain fatty acids help revive kidney cells. Alpha lipoic acid helps destroy toxins, heavy metals such as mercury, lead from the body.  
Prevent Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostate cancer. 
Prevent Baldness (Hair loss).  
DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone (5α-Dihydrotestosterone), is androgen male sex hormone.   
Testosterone male hormone is converted into DHT by an enzyme 5α-reductase (5-alpha reductase).   
The enzyme 5α-reductase, synthesizes DHT in the adrenal glands, hair follicles, testes and prostate. Male and female adults can lose hair as a consequence of changes in the metabolism of androgen in the body - men more commonly than women. DHT plays a major role in hair loss.  
Male pattern baldness (known as androgenic alopecia or androgenetic alopecia) is caused by the hair follicle's sensitivity to DHT. The follicles miniaturize (shrink), resulting in a shorter lifespan and the abnormal production of hair.
Two conditions are related to higher levels of DHT:  
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - increase in the size of the prostate
  • Male pattern baldness  
HealthPluz oils contain medium chain fatty acids, which inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase activity, resulting that reduction of DHT level.  
Lauric acid in Virgin coconut oil reduces 5-alpha reductase activity, and inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Another study concluded that lauric acid inhibited the activity of 5-alpha reductase by 50%. One study in particular found that consumption of Coconut Oil in rats, like finasteride and saw palmetto, reduced enlarged prostate glands that had been experimentally enlarged with androgen administration.  
Hormone Balance.   
Omega 3s produce hormones that are anti-inflammatory. Omega 6s produce hormones that support inflammation. 
Inflammation is an important process for healing in that it helps in acute injury or microbial attack. When the site of a wound becomes hot or swollen, for instance, this is due to the presence of omega-6s in the body. Omega 3s and omega 6s are meant to balance each other, like demolition and construction tools.
However, when omega 6s begin to outnumber the omega 3s, they overwhelm the body's ability to tone down the inflammatory response. This inflammation begins to manifest in things such as increased cholesterol, asthma, cardiovascular disease, many forms of cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, immune diseases such as Crohn's and Lupus. Inflammation also is associated with obesity, depression, hyperactivity and more.

HealthPluz oils are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 which both balance our body system.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weight Loss Tips

Simple weight loss tips

Six simple tips that will have you losing weight in a balanced and healthy way.  1. Lose weight with water.Water is essential for everybody - it is also the key to losing weight. If you haven't been drinking enough water, your body has developed a pattern of storing water. This water retention equals extra unwanted weight.  By drinking more water, you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. Drink at least 60 ounces of water (about 8 glasses) a day. Boil water and sliced lemons, and drink this throughout the day to help with fluid retention. If you are still not sold on the merits of water, try this on for size: water is a natural appetite suppressant.  2. Soup up your weight loss program.A simple dietary change will have you shedding pounds: eat a bowl of soup at least once a day. Nutritious, low-salt soups will nourish you as they flush waste from your body. People who eat a serving of soup daily lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don't eat soup. Go for homemade soup whenever possible, as canned soups are loaded with salt and chemicals.  3. Eat early to keep weight off.The human body follows a circadian rhythm, which means that the same foods eaten at breakfast and lunch are processed differently than when eaten at dinner. Studies show that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast you tend to lose weight and have more energy; however, eating the same things at dinner tend to increase tendencies toward weight gain. I suggest that you eat your last meal of the day by 7 p.m.  4. Eat smaller meals, more frequently.Follow an eating schedule with five little meals every day. Eating steadily through the day keeps you from becoming famished and overeating at your next meal. Make a low-fat trail mix from raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, dried plum, and apples and have it available at all times to avoid the tempting lure of high-calorie snacks.  5. Adopt a balanced approach to your diet.Most of the fad diet programs out there nowadays are extreme in a few recommended foods, or else deprive the body of food altogether. This works in opposition to our metabolism and the results usually don't last, producing a yoyo effect that depresses your metabolic function - not to mention your self-esteem. We are natural beings that need a balance of nutrition from all sources.  Your diet should consist of a balance of organic sources of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead of white rice and pasta, opt for brown rice, bulgur, millet, or buckwheat.  Eat more green, chlorophyll-rich foods such as broccoli, kale, spinach, and asparagus. Eliminate candy, sugar, soda, and all simple sugars from your diet. Excess sugar ends up being stored as fat in your body, which results in weight gain. Also, keep dairy to a minimum because most dairy products are high in saturated fat. Avoid fatty foods, processed or fried foods.  6. Walk off the weight.The No. 1 cause of weight gain is inactivity. Physical activity is the key to speeding up your metabolism and burning excess calories. The best way to be physically active is to use your legs! Walk as often and as long as you can. Always take the stairs instead of the elevator.
by Dr.Maoshing Ni
10 Things Men Find Unattractive

Does an average guy whose occupation has nothing to do with fashion really understand anything about women’s outfit, perfume, or makeup? Some do. And here are 10 things they find unattractive:

1. Intricate Hairstyle
An intricate hairstyle is alright for a carnival or an extravagant photo session in a studio. In all other situations natural-looking hair is preferred. It’s far more pleasant to see and touch hair that is free of styling gels, sticky hair sprays and other hair products.

2. Heavy Foundation
Foundation is created to hide fine lines, blemishes and little flaws. It makes your skin look healthy and smooth. It can even out your complexion and improve your skin tone. If it is visible, then you do not apply it right. Foundation is supposed to be invisible to others and even you. Thoroughly blend it with your skin – that’s the only way to avoid the mask effect.

3. Glitter and Shimmer on Your Eyelids
If you are not a professional makeup artist, it’ll better if you avoid using glittery and shimmery eye shadow. Very few succeed in applying it anyways. Matte shadow is always better because it does not cling to the eye crease.

4. Gummed up Lashes
This is what usually happens when you apply too much mascara. It clumps and does not make your eyes look sexy and tempting at all. Use mascara of good quality. Experiment with several brands and pick the best one for you – the one that does not smudge under your eyes or rub off after a couple of hours. Finally, use a special brush to comb your lashes and remove the clumps.

5. Badly Shaved Body
Whether you like it or not, men prefer smooth skin. Take care of your entire body. Make sure that your legs and armpits are perfectly clean and hairless. Such things play even a greater role than makeup. It tells a lot about your hygiene and there is no point in applying makeup if the rest of your body is not totally neat!

6. Dry Skin
It’s unpleasant to touch dry skin. Scurfy elbows or heels look awful. Use moisturizing and nourishing shower gels, creams and body lotions after shower.

7. Bad Breath and Yellowish Teeth
Yellowish teeth and bad breath will never attract the opposite sex. Think of the reason what causes the problem. Are you a smoker? Or is it just your poor hygiene? Maybe you drink too much coffee, black tea, or red wine? In either case, do your best to solve the problem as soon as possible. Use whitening toothpaste or strips to make your smile brighter and carry breath dragees in your handbag.

8. Wrong Lip Liner
If you have been invited on a date, probably you will also be taken to a cafe or a restaurant. Think ahead about how your lips will look after you have eaten your dinner. If you use lipstick and lip liner, then after eating food out of the two only lip liner will stay on your lips. You will probably agree that this won’t look attractive at all. It’s even worse if your lip liner is much darker than your lipstick or your natural lip color. Such a contrast is totally inacceptable. Let your lip products be as close to your natural lip shade as possible!

9. Too Much Fragrance
Perfume is created to help you express your individuality. But too much of a good thing is never right. A drop of your favorite aroma is enough to make a man pay attention to you. Make your aroma your little secret. That’s the best way to keep a man wondering and imagining a lot of beautiful things about your personality.

10. Public Grooming
Trust us, men do not want to know or see how you make yourself attractive. This ruins their illusion. Let them think you are effortlessly beautiful. All major makeup procedures should be performed at home, not in public.
